Thursday, March 14, 2013


I wonder how dreary my blog for yesterday sounded. I haven't reread it, but I have since realized one thing: I really don't like Tuesdays.
Maybe it's because Tuesday has been the worst day of my week so far. Or maybe it's because Tuesdays really just suck in general.
I mean every other day of the week has a generally agreed upon duty:

 Monday: known for being unlikeable, but all the same there are Mondays that are thouroughly welcomed. Take for example a week off work or school. You tend to think "Heck yes, it's only Monday, I've got so much vacation left!" Or how about MLK Jr Day or President's Day or Labor Day...? So many Monday holidays.

Wednesday: hump day. The middle of the week. Optomists like it, Pessimists don't.

Thursday: Party night, because tomorrow is Friday!

Friday: Friday Friday, gotta get down on Friday, ... well you know the rest [and now I will stab  myself for referencing that song]

Saturday: Do we need a reason to like Saturday?

Sunday: Go to church and then watch Football and read the newspaper Day, and then if your family is really cool you will go out to dinner or your dad will make the Ed Quinn Breakfast for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  It's even worse than a Monday, because in the aforementioned beloved 3-day weekend holiday Mondays, Tuesday becomes the New Monday, and therefore we despise it more than a normal Monday!  
Tuesdays also mean "Power hours" at Purdue, meaning (for those of you who are unfamiliar with the system) all lectures that are normally 50 minutes long become 1 hr and 15 minutes long. And you don't even have the optimistic thought of "I just gotta get through this class and then I can go party tonight" that you have on Thursdays.
It's just a dreary day to be.

Tuesdays. Poor Tuesdays.
I would even bet that if I had my appointment with the Foreigner's Office on Tuesday next week instead of Wednesday, that the lady at the desk would find some reason not to grant me my residency permit.
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday.

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