Sunday, April 21, 2013

19th-21st April

This will be another blog that is short on words, and which uses pictures and captions to tell about the weekend. It's less time consuming for me that way :p

Friday night

There was a party at one of the ACADEMIC BUILDINGS at the stadtmitte campus. And I don't just mean a pizza party and movie type of party. No, this was a full blown club-style (aka "Disco") party night! There were approximately 5 bars stations! There were 2 large dance floors, complete with lighting and DJs.

I went to the "K2" party (that's the nickname for the building, which is short for Keplerstrasse 17- it's address) with Helly, and 2 of her friends. The one on the left is a German, and the other girl is also an international student, who I hadn't officially met before, but Helly knew.

This is just one dance floor!!! The building is huge! I had no idea because this whole room is completely underground and to the side of the main building. I think a lot of buildings here are built like icebergs. There's a lot more of the building underground than you would ever think. I suppose it's efficient, because they can then make the most of out door space, and they have room for lots of grassy parks and city squares.
Anyway, there was a huge crowd at the party .

Another group picture.

Free shot of Jaegermeister since we got there before 11pm.
Free jaeger shots seem to be the thing here. At EVERY party I've been to, there have been free shots if you arrive before 11 or midnight.
  I went out shopping in the Stadtmitte from 2:30pm until 8pm. I was on a mission to find some shoes, but in the end I couldn't come to a decision, and so here are some cool things I found instead.

A men's vest that I would love for Tyler to have, but I know he would not like because he doesn't like velvet. But it was sooooo cool, and reminded me of the hobbit- dark green with embroidery around the neck, and buttoned all the way up. But also it's German looking, since it was in the section where men buy lederhosen and plaid shirts for Fruehlingsfest trachten- aka spring fest attire. :)

Apparently you can only sell dirndls if you have some kind of ridiculous displays, such as this one which includes a LIFE SIZE cow stuffed animal! Where do you even get something like that!!!??
An entire shop dedicated to selling muesli cereal.

A super old building (for Stuttgart, since most of the city was bombed during WWII) that now is the SWATCH store. :)
These are mannequins that are not going to get Sunburned. They also look very FRFy to me!

  I went to church in the morning, and as I was leaving at 1pm, I remembered that there is supposedly a very good ice cream shop on the same U-bahn line as I needed to take, and since my space phone internet powers work on my Germany Handy (aka cell phone) I was able to discovered that "Pinguin Eis Bistro" opens at 1pm on Sonntags. Perfekt!

Cassis aka Black current, and Tiramisu flavors!!!

And wouldn't you know that as it turned out, there is a Platz across the street known as Eugensplatz, that is stunning. It is very small, but has a great view of the city, since it is out of the valley where the stadtmitte sits, and about in the middle of a hill. There's a fountain and some gorgeous landscaping.

A secret path that was blocked off! I was disappointed. It was so magical looking
Seldom does one find drinking fountains in Germany, but when there is a drinking fountain, it is rad!
The sign says "Trinkwasser" which means directly translated "drink water" aka drinking water. Only drink from a public fountain if you see a sign like that. Otherwise, it's weird, and  you could be drinking recycled water or sulfur water.

1 comment:

  1. 1. German Handy, that's one of my cousins!
    2. You should have gone on that path anyway! Secrets are meant to be blocked off, so that only the truly adventurous and risk-taking are duly rewarded.
    3. Everything is so beautiful I want to cry!
